About me

My Mission

My bundle of energy and passion which I drive into my business comes from my mission to make as many of you feel the best you can be. I don’t like hearing people are struggling with injury, pain or feeling less than happy about themselves. I want to ensure that once people have decided to make that investment in themselves they reap the benefits. There is no more satisfaction than treating clients and hearing post treatment that they ‘slept well for the first time ages or are back to training’ or physically seeing transformations in mind and body. We are all worth it! Life is tough, it throws lots at us and the one thing that is constantly there for you is your body but that's as long as you look after it!

Where it Began

My love for all things health and fitness was born at 16 when I discovered running and completed at regional level. With having a few years off after discovering all things less healthy at university, I am quite proud to say I have had less than a handful of injuries over the rest of the 14 years of running, still being able to run on the day I was booked in for a c- section 37 weeks pregnant.

This has only achieved through education, application and adaptation furthermore listening to the body. Where alongside the running I loved weight training in the gym and for fun attending Body pump, Body Combat and Spinning all of which I then went on to train to teach. I literately lived for the DOMs and the endorphin rush. Train, work, train.....sitting in my HR career at the time, I was no longer getting career satisfaction and with my core òf life being about happjness I decided (alongside an amazing supportive partner and family) to retrain in a career that gave me more fulfilment and satisfaction. I started completing my Sports Massage Therapist course of a weekend whilst continuing with the HR and then once qualified I completed my Personal Training qualification to compliment. Victoria Walls Sports Massage and Personal Training was then born.

Where I am now

My passion for helping people and love of learning to be the best I can be for my clients keeps me motivated on a daily basis.

Further more where my fitness has not necessarily defined me it has given back many benefits, from learning how to win but also deal with not achieving what needs to be achieved, I have developed not only physically but mentally helping in times when life gets a bit heavy, it has lead me to new opportunities and enabled me to believe in myself that I can achieve if I put my mind to it, along with the health and physical benefits such as to the heart and weight, as well as helping me be a better mummy and partner. I want this for my clients also. 

Discover a new depth of happiness.